Last summer we organised our inaugural Summer Seminar Series, which saw scholars from 7 universities present their discourse research over the course of 7 weekly sessions in July and August 2021.
The series followed on from our initial call for interest in our research network, which received over 30 expressions of interest from researchers based in 12 universities.
Presentations included came from early career researchers as well as more established academics, and demonstrated the breadth and diversity of foci being addressed in Irish discursive research at the moment.
We hope to emulate this successful standard in our 2022 series. Below we provide a run down of presenters and presentations from last year’s series.
July 14: Henry Silke, “Methods for Researching Economic Discourse”
July 21: Brian Hurley, “Foreign Direct Housing: The Irish solution to an Irish problem”
July 28: Ryan Nolan, “Reproducing the Rising: Discourses of Exclusion in the Centenary
Commemorative Speeches of the Easter Rebellion”
August 4: Audrey Galvin, “Murder-Suicide and the Media”
August 11: Lisa Moran, “Negotiating Emotional Boundaries and Emotional Suppression: Findings from a BNIM Study of Veterinarians’ Relationships with Human and Non-
Human Clients in Ireland and the UK”
August 18: Olivia Freeman, “An Exploration of the Consumer Ideologies in the Naming
Devices of Colour Cosmetics: A Critical Discourse Analysis”
August 25: Ciara Gilmartin, “Examining Corporate Lobbying and Public Health Advocacy:
A critical discourse analysis of Ireland’s Public Health (Alcohol) Bill Debate”
Thank you again to all presenters. We look forward to welcoming your submissions for our 2022 series.